by Adam Wainwright, Alex Messenger and Mick Ryan click to enlarge With the spectre of Foot and Mouth upon us once again (see BBC news report) you´ve got to ignore the forecast, get out when you can, and pull down on the grips. This weekend saw the first Gogarth Festival, The Glorious First, and the heavens opened, although if you were quick you could just about snatch a route. Still it sounds a good time was had by all, even if it was just eating the free food supplied by the BMC and the Climbers Club. See photo of Johnny Dawes tucking into some pasta <a href=”″>- click here. Festival organiser and Mr Gogarth, Adam Wainwright reports (see photo – click here): “Saturday dawned very wet in Llanberis. Pete Robbins and Nick Sellars made an optimistic drive to Gogarth and rallied the troops with texts claiminggood weather.We drove over to find thick mist to sea level and rain.However, a trip to the cliff edge could find no trace of a cliffalthough shouts into the gloom and rain were met by Pete and Nick midway through a very damp ascent of Red Wall (see this photo of HarryWestway looking at Red Walls! Pete and Nick in background!) Saturday night was great crack with a very busy Snowdon Inn rocking to greatsounds, lots of people and lively banter. Local Welsh ´ska on speed´band Dr Gonzo were the standout act of the night. Sunday dawned OK weather wise and numerous brave soles ventured toGogarth, tempted by fine weather onto Red Walls and Moustrap – therebyall being rather committed by the time the heavens opened at around 2pm.Ascents of many Red walls classics were made, many ending very wet.Personally I was on Moustrap as a team of 3 when it started raining atthe top of the first pitch so ended up pretty wet.Nic Sellars on, Heart of Gold, Red Walls – click here. Sam Whittaker on, Anarchist, Red Walls – click here. After that most people went home although Sunday evening was again busy at the Snowdon Inn, with more bands and still very social. All in all verygood social weekend, but as we could say about the whole summer – shame about the weather.”
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