Tonight's video continues the environmental theme, following on from Es Tresidder's live question and answer session on the forums today. The video covers the unique wildlife and ecology found in mountain gorges in Wales and is presented by acclaimed ecologist Ray Woods.Below is a clip from the full DVD, professionally produced by 2rays Productions with Snowdonia-Active for the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW).The DVD aims to help reconcile conservation and recreation in these incredibly fragile wildlife habitats. With more and more people enjoying the outdoors, some of the beautiful wooded ravines and gorges of Wales have become popular venues for activities such as gorge walking, canyoning and kayaking. These sites often have special European conservation status, which we have an international and legal obligation to protect.Video Clip: Groups in GorgesCCW Upland Ecologist, Barbara Jones, stressed that: ?Wooded Gorges are nationally and internationally important from a conservation perspective because of the rare plants which grow there in the highly humid environment provided by the almost constantly running water, retained within the gorge by a dense woodland canopy. Whilst we don't want to stop access to these beautiful gorges, we need to ensure that activities on these sites are not damaging to the important and special wildlife and environment which is so attractive and so important for conservation.?To read more about the film and about gorges visit the Snowdonia-Active Website.Copies of the DVD will be distributed to outdoor education and recreation providers across Wales, but if you would like a copy, then please contact CCW's Enquiries on 0845 130 6229. Funding for this video was provided by the Environment Agency splash fund and the CCW. Diesen Artikel inkl. Bilder auf anschauen
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