The GB team for the spring and early summer races has been selected and is as follows -Nordic Championships, Denmark, 2nd ? 6th May. Website here Jon Duncan, Scott Fraser, Graham Gristwood and Jamie Stevenson.Helen Bridle, Rachael Elder, Pippa Whitehouse and Helen Winskill.Scott and Rachael are the reserves for the relay team.Ukraine training camp, 29th May ? 3rd June.David Brickhill-Jones, Jon Duncan, Scott Fraser, Graham Gristwood, Oli Johnson, Matt Speake and Jamie Stevenson.Helen Bridle, Rachael Elder, Jenny Johnson, Pippa Whitehouse and Helen Winskill.World Cup Race in Finland, 14th June. Website here David Brickhill-Jones, Jon Duncan, Scott Fraser, Graham Gristwood, Oli Johnson, Neil Northrop, Matt Speake, Jamie Stevenson and Murray Strain.Lizzie Adams, Aislinn Austin, Becky Carlyle, Rachael Elder, Karen Heppenstall, Jenny Johnson, Helen Palmer, Jo Stevenson and Pippa Whitehouse.World Cup Race in Norway, 22nd June. Website here Duncan Archer, David Brickhill-Jones, Oleg Chepelin, Jon Duncan, Oli Johnson, Ewan McCarthy, Neil Northrop, Jamie Stevenson and Murray Strain.Lizzie Adams, Becky Carlyle, Laura Daniel, Rachael Elder, Karen Heppenstall, Helen Palmer and Pippa Whitehouse, 2 further athletes to be added subject to availability.Congratulations to all these athletes, and especially to Lizzie Adams, Karen Heppenstall, Duncan Archer, Neil Northrop, Becky Carlyle, Helen Palmer, Murray Strain and Aislinn Austin who are all either newcomers to the team, or are returning after a spell out of the team. Good luck from planetFear.
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