by Mick Ryan Josune Bereziartu “So how do you feel? “I love climbing, I love imagination, I love motivation, I love inspiration, I love the feeling of passion. I am glad I never let go of anything I held as precious. I am not giving up being passionate about life. F*%k acceptance. Freedom is attainable.” So writes Dave Graham in his blog (click here to read it) for the American Climbing magazine The Basque climber Josune Bereziartu also waxes philsophically in her blog (click here to read it). “Recently, while I visited some cliffs with my friends, a few climbers that we came across shocked us. Forgetting all politeness the first sentence that the these climbers said was: ?I climb 8c and you, how hard do you climb?? Even if my friends started welcoming him they insisted on those terms. I know that it seems incredible, but I swear that I have seen it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears and not only one time! “| Start yours here……go on click here.
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