Sarah Clough writes… “There are special dates, and there are associated traditions. Christmas – exchange of gifts, Bonfire night – ´penny for the guy collections´, Halloween – nightime bouldering and pumpkin carving competition… it´s a tradition gathering momentum, and this year it´s happening at Stanage Plantation. So on All Hallows´ Even (Friday 31st October), from 6:30pm onwards, join the gathering of jack-o-lantern carrying night-boulderers, in fancy dress if you wish (you won´t be the only one) at either the Business boulder or the Pebble. There will be a small prize for the best pumpkin, voting will take place in the pub when the witching hour is upon us (or perhaps slightly before then, or the pubs´ll all be shut).” More details at this thread: Annual halloween event – night bouldering & pumpkin competition and to get you in the mood….
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