by Mick Ryan – Henry Iddon (click to enlarge) Saturday night saw the reception for the opening of an exhibition of photographs and the launch of a book by Henry Iddonat Dove Cottage, Grasmere, home of the Wordsworth Trust See Henry´s gallery here. Henry has been working on a body of work for the last year entitled Spots of Time where he wandered the fells of the Lake District at night and took long exposure looking down to the valleys, lakes and towns. One of Henry´s photographs from this body of work, “Keswick from Clough Head 4th February 2007 2:59am” was voted photo of the week last year at, you can see it here (it received 159 superb votes and lots of positive comments.) You can see all of Henry´s prints from Spots of Time at Dove Cottage, The Wordsworth Museum and Art Gallery in Grasmere running from March 17 until 22 June, 2008. Prints are available for purchase. Henry´s collection has also been printed in a limited edition book published by the Wordsworth Trust showcasing 52 prints of Henry´s Lake District by night photographs and is introduced with essays by the Rt. Hon. Lord Smith and Professor of Photography, Paul Hill. Professor Hill´s essay introduction is especially illuminating on the ´magic´ of photography and is worth a read by anyone who uses a camera. The title of Henry´s work, Spots of Time is taken from Wordsworth´s The Prelude 12.208-218 (1805 edition) and are what Wordsworth described as small, memorable events that occur mainly outdoors and when in touch with nature. They are capable of “lifting us up when we are fallen.”There are in our existence spots of time, That with distinct pre-eminence retain A renovating virtue, whence?depressed By false opinion and contentious thought, Or aught of heavier or more deadly weight, In trivial occupations, and the round Of ordinary intercourse?our minds Are nourished and invisibly repaired; A virtue, by which pleasure is enhanced, That penetrates, enables us to mount, When high, more high, and lifts us up when fallen. More information: Henry´s Spots of Time website:
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