Josune Bereziartu has enjoyed the crags on “La Cote D´azur” for a few weeks. At Orgon she climbed Macumba club, 8c. “…I have climbed the mythical route(for me) “Macumba Club”, 8c. I needed five days to do it in two shorttrips. I mean 10-15 days ago, I went there and tried the route. In the third and fourth day I almost did it because I fell very high -leaving three holds to take two more good ones before arriving at the anchors… I had to go back home to work but a week after, I returned back to Orgon to the route and did it pretty comfortable. You know you asimilate the moves, you rest and recover well and the superhigh motivation does the rest. This route for me is a kind of mythic route because I remember 7 or more years ago when I for the first time visited Orgon how great, famous French climbers where there trying to rot punkt it, and me looking at them with a big open mouth. For those years this route from Orgon where a kind of reference for climbers in general, me although I nearly was able to climb 7b+. But training gives it´s fruits and now that I am stronger I have been able to enjoy with this route like Macumba or Bronx. Sometimes with success like in Macuma other failing on them like in Bronx.
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