The 2009 Kendal Mountain Festival opened last night and runs through to Sunday evening.Tickets are still available for many events, including film passes for all of today, Saturday morning, and all day Sunday.Some of the headline acts are sold out, including The Asgard Project, Chris Sharma and Johnny Dawes, but are available for all other speakers and main events.Best way to get tickets if you are coming up is to ring the KMF box office womaned by Anne Banks (photo) and colleagues. The number is 01539 725133.Details of the events are at the website: PARTY TICKETOne event that is sold out is the KMF party on Saturday night. But I have a spare ticket, possibly two if Alan James goes narcoleptic on me and Jack.If you want that spare ticket, approach me in the Brewery after 7pm on Saturday and you have to have the correct answer to the question below.How many people visit on average each day?Is it 10,000, 12,000 or 14,000?Don't let the rain put you off. Roads are open and the River Kent, whilst not good for fishing or kayaking is behaving itself.See you up here…..your on the spot reporter, Diesen Artikel inkl. Bilder auf anschauen
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