We promised a report from 16 year old Tyler Landman on his exploits since moving to the States, well here it is: “I had a good end to last year. In 2006 climbed 14 8B´s, and 2 8B+´s, one being Dreamtime, a classic test piece. I feel like my improvement is growing exponentially and I am psyched to be in a place where I can make the most of my climbing. I will continue to come back to Europe and have a trip planned soon to try the Voyager Sit-Start. Ok, so, the Anti-Hero. This is a sit start to an existing V10. It was tried by Fred Nicole and is a really good problem. Arkansas was an amazing place with a lot of rock to be developed and a good atmosphere. I went there for a week and then to Hueco for a couple days. (ed: Whilst there Tyler managed to make the first ascent of the sit start to Anti-Hero at 8B). Although I wish I could have spent longer in Hueco, my few days were good. I climbed the classic first 8B in Hueco: Crown Of Aragorn on my 5th attempt. I repeated an 8B called Luther that traverses into Chblanke on my 5th attempt also. I then climbed Fred´s classic 8C test piece El Techo de los Tres.B. which is featured in Dosage4. This has recently been downgraded to 8B+ and then people suggested 8B after new beta was found. After a very close flash attempt of this, I repeated it shortly after. I finished off my trip by flashing the classic 7C+ Power Of Silence. There is a strong team of Englishmen and women in Hueco right now so I am sure you will have lots of news for planetFear on the way.”
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