by Mick Ryan Lisa Rands, America´s top woman boulder has been on a roll this last year having sent over ten problems in double digits at several different bouldering areas in the US, Fontainbleau, and at the Yorkshire Wart – our beloved Almscliff. Her hardest ascent, numbers wise, being her repeat of Chris Sharma´s Plain High Drifter V11, at California´s Buttermilk.Just this last week Rands ascended a long term ambition, Thriller, a highball V10, in Yosemite´s Camp 4. This is an old problem first climbed by Ron Kauk way back in 1984 before bouldering was fashionable (and was the hardest problem in the Valley until 1990 when Jerry Moffat climbed the adjacent Force V11). This gently overhanging twenty foot high wall of small crimps had thwarted Rands last April during an early heatwave but this February conditions were perfect – cold and clear.
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