Llanberis Snowdome Update

Back on March 20th we reported that there were plans afoot to build some sort of snow dome complex in Llanveris. Well, the BMC have uncovered the following information: A consortium of local business people and Ski-Trac, an Australian company plan to build a£165 million development near Llanberis. This will be housed in GlynRhonwy Quarry, with a rotating disc ski slope being the centrepiece.Other features will include a 400 room hotel and shop.An Outline Planning Application was made in February this year – theplanning authroity have requested an Environmental Impact Assessmentand are waiting for this. The scheme does have merit and should be fairlyunintrusive visually as it is mostly within the quarry. The amount of roadtraffic generated is an obvious concern, and there is some doubt as towhether the development will enhance the local economy as much as issuggested. The following web-site gives a good background: The Boarder Thanks to the BMC
