Local News

by Jack Geldard – Editor – UKC Iron Crag above Thirlmere is steep and uncompromising, home to several hard routes including Dave Birkett´s horror show If Six was Nine E9 6c.Several of these routes have been cleaned and (where possible) re-pegged by Al Wilson:Phoenix in Obsidian (E7 6b), Western Union (E6 6c) and a new link up of Western Union in to Pumping Iron – The Iron Man (E7 6c). Both Western Union and The Iron Man now have reasonable protection and are clean.Phoenix is still a bold offering, even after cleaning. All these routes have seen repeats at the hands of committed locals activists Duncan Booth, Andy Mitchell and Al Wilson.Wilson´s cleaning led to an onsight of Phoenix (E7) by Booth and several flashes of other routes by the team. Over at Flat Crags, Mitchell grabbed a repeat of the very bold Flattery (E7) after top-rope practice, commenting that James McHaffie´s onsight of this route a few years ago was “Extremely Impressive!”. Get on them whilst they´re clean!
