On the 22nd October at 12.30pm the BBC Politics Show will be filmed live from Calver Village Hall in the Peak District discussing the issue of Longstone Edge. IMPORTANT: The date and venue of this programme have been changed. The Politics Show was originally scheduled to broadcast from Longstone Edge on Sunday 8th October. Originally scheduled as a 7 minute slot on Sunday 8th October, the producers have now realised that the ´story´ is worthy of a bigger slot. This means that the issue will be taking up the whole 20 minutes of the ´regional´ part of the show (12:30 – 12:50). The first available 20 minute slot is 22nd October, so the show has been re-scheduled for then. It will now be in the form of a panel discussion, including Lord Hattersley and a representative of the National Park Authority (in addition to the SLEG participants), and will take place at Calver Village Hall. Doors open for the audience at 11.25am and everyone needs to be in place by 11.45am. There will be a roving microphone – be prepared to make a contribution! See the Save Longtone Edge Campaign Website for more details. ———————————————————————– If you have any news worth reporting please contact Matt – matt@planetfear.com / 0114 2969114 ———————————————————————–
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