Miles Gibson took advantage of the first good weather in a long time yesterday, to climb a project of his at Burbage South. He first saw the line, a fine hanging arete in the second quarry, five years ago and has worked it on and off ever since. The arete lies between Zeuss and Fox House Flake. Protected below half height with an assortment of cams, the route then follows the arete, via a series of 6c and 7a moves to the top. Miles named the route Fagus Sylvatica, and the grade is in the region of E8 7a. To watch an MPG movie of the first ascent (unedited) click here. Pictures to follow. Also of note, Danny Cattell, the sixteen year old youngster from North Wales headpointed Three Blind Mice at Burbage, E7 6c, on friday and then flashed Jasmine at Bamford on Sunday, E7 6b, after watching a friend headpoint it – with a recently fractured finger!