Here at UKC we're having an experiment; we've made our own TV news show.We hope you enjoy it and we are aiming to make it a regular feature if it proves popular. It features some of the major recent news items and we explore these items with interviews and on the spot reporting.WATCH THE VIDEO: UKC NEWSUKC News December 2009from UKC NewsJavaScript must be enabled in your browser to play this videoItems featured in the first news show:NEWS: Stevie Haston's recent ascents (UKC News)Chris Sharma's new F9b super-sport-route Neanderthal (UKC News)MCofS NewsBMC NewsGEAR:A first look at the brand new Grivel G20 CramponA UKC review of the Westcomb Specter LT HoodyA UKC Review of the La Sportiva Cliff 5 Rock Shoes COMPETITION:The current Marmot, Glenmore Lodge and UKC Competition Diesen Artikel inkl. Bilder auf anschauen
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