by Mick Ryan – Vertebrate Publishing (part of the Sheffield based Vertebrate Graphics) have published a new guidebook to the Peak District that covers over 850 classic routes and boulder problems. peak district: climbing by John Coefield and Jon Barton, is a full colour, 322 page production. This guidebook focuses on routes in the Mod to HVS range with suggestions for E1´s to try. Cliffs covered include a mix of Eastern crags: Birchens, Burbage, Froggatt, Curbar, Stanage, Millstone; Western crags including the Roaches, Kinder, Wimberry and Windgather, with a good selection of limestone venues including Stoney Middleton,Wildcat, Horseshoe Quarry and Harpur Hill Quarry. A mix of both traditional and sport routes. It also documents about 350 of the Peak´s best boulder problems. It´s a lovely looking guidebook, I have one just by me as I type; it has a well written foreword by Ron Fawcett and sections on climbing gear and basic climbing technique. The action photography is stunning.
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