Thursday 5th October sees planetFear open their first ?bricks and mortar? shop! The exciting new planetFear shop will open for business on Thursday 5th October with a huge 50% OFF sale to clear last season?s clothing and equipment. The new planetFear shop is on John Street, next to The Edge climbing wall in Sheffield. Map here>>> We have got a super enthusiastic team at planetFear and over the past few weeks we have been thinking up some ideas that we think will help to make the planetFear shop great. However we would really appreciate the thoughts and the opinions of lots of different climbers and adventure sports enthusiasts? what do you think a great climbing/adventure sports shop should have, should (or shouldn?t!) do etc? Please e-mail your comments to and we´ll give the best suggestion received this week a £100 planetFear shop voucher. We have put some of our ideas about how we are going make a brilliant shop below. Expect to experience them when you visit! OPENING SALE We are going to have a huge 50% OFF clearance sale to mark the opening as we sell off last season?s clothing and equipment. The sale starts Thursday 5th October at 10am. OPENING PARTY We are having a free ?Champagne and Cakes? party to mark the opening and everyone is invited! The opening party will be on Tuesday 10th October between 7pm and 10pm in Café Euro.Café Euro is next door to the new planetFear shop, which is on John Street, next to The Edge climbing wall. Any climbers/ adventure sports enthusiasts who are in Sheffield on Tuesday evening are very welcome to come along and enjoy a slice or two of cake and a couple of glasses of bubbly! PRICE POLICY The planetFear retailing pricing policy for the website has always been to offer a 10% discount off RRP to registered users. Simply by purchasing something through the planetFear website you become a registered user by default. We are going to continue this policy in the shop with a 10% discount off almost everything as standard if you registered your details at the till? so you don?t need to belong to a club or have a discount card to get the best prices. KNOWLEDGEABLE RETAIL SALES TEAM We think it?s easy to underestimate just how much a knowledgeable, friendly and experienced shop team can improve your shopping experience. That?s why we only have active, regular climbers and adventure sports enthusiasts working in our shop. STAFF REVIEWS NEXT TO PRODUCTS You might have seen this in bookshops, where the staff write little notes next to the books they enjoyed? We are going to do the same thing and get staff comments and opinions on the kit they use next to the products. READ PRODUCT REVIEWS We?ll have a PC in the shop where customers can look up reviews of products from the planetFear website so you?ll be able to make the most informed decision before purchasing. ORDER PRODUCTS DIRECT FROM THE WAREHOUSE The planetFear website carries a vast range of stock and not all of it will fit into one shop! So, we?ll offer an ?Argos? style shopping experience allowing you to browse the website through the shop PC and select items you?d like to see or try – we will then get them from the warehouse (takes about 2 minutes!) ½ PRICE CAKES FROM CAFÉ EURO Next door to the new planetFear shop is Café Euro, an organic and fair-trade café using local produce. With every purchase from the planetFear shop you?ll get a voucher for a ½ price cake when you buy a coffee (or similar drink) from the café on the same day as your purchase. WINTER CLINICS We are going to hold regular clinics over the winter that will give free and expert advice from top climbers and adventure sports participants and manufacturers about getting the best from your kit and making informed purchasing decisions. So whether you need to buy a new stove or new sleeping bag you?ll be certain to have all the information. STUDENT AND CLUB NIGHTS Book a private shopping session for your university club, climbing club, running or orienteering club and we?ll be able to provide extra discount and help the evening along with free planetFear beer. WATCH DVDS IN THE SHOP Relax and enjoy your time in the shop and don?t feel under any obligation to buy. Why not watch some exciting footage from the latest DVD and catch up on the latest gossip. NOTICE BOARD Latest information including local and Scottish weather forecasts and snow reports. So, what are your thoughts, what would you like to see us doing? Your comments and opinions are very welcome and we´ll give a £100 planetFear voucher for the best idea we receive this week. Simply e-mail them to
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