by Mick Ryan Yes we have all been waiting but it looks as if it will soon be here. North Wales Rock-selected rock climbs in North Wales, published by the Ground Up team of North Wales is at the bindery being lovingly bound as you read and should be available for purchase next week. Ground Up have a news item at their website (click here) including photos of the guidebook at the printers. shall be featuring an article next week by the books main author, Simon Panton, and we are running a competition in conjunction with Ground Up with the prizes being, yes you´ve guessed it, copies of North Wales Rock-selected rock climbs in North Wales In other news, the Sheffield Adventure Film Forum (ShAFF) 2007 (website) being held 21st to 25th March, has made the task of scheduling the 62 films on offer to your personal choice a complete breeze. It is always a problem at Film Festivals deciding and then scheduling which films to watch and then trying to fit them all in. Not anymore. Matt Heason, organiser of ShAFF, along with´s web wizard Nick Smith have developed a page at the ShAFF website that documents all the films and speakers then allows you to check off which event you would lke to attend. Press submit at the bottom of the page then the world´s first Adventure Film Festival Wizard will present you with your most efficient viewing schedule including any clashes with films running at the same time. You can check out all the films with the Adventure Film Festival Wizard here. It´s pretty darn neat.
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