One For The Birds

Birds in Pembroke© Mick Ryan, Jun 2009

Spring is in full flow. The soil is warming up, the cherry blossoms are blooming and the thoughts of climbers are turning to warm rock and long days out on the outcrops, sea cliffs and mountain crags of the British Isles.For some time now you may have been heralded with bird song as you awake. That means our feathered brethren are busy nest building and mating, and some of them maybe nesting on your favourite crag. When these birds are rare or endangered this means that you may have to avoid certain crags or parts of crags.The BMC and the MCofS have both recently published a list of climbing areas that you must avoid or in the case of some places in England and Wales where climbing is restricted for certain times.Two Birds with One Stonestephjones100, May 2007© Steph JonesA Crag Near You Will Have A RestrictionIn England and Wales check restrictions for crags in the following areas: Chalk, Swanage, Portland, Berry Head, Lundy, Baggy Point, The Gower Peninsula, South Pembrokshire, North Pembroke, Mid Walws, the LLeyn Peninsula, Clywd Limestone, the Little Orme, Great Orme, the Slate Quarries, Gogarth, many crags in the Lake District, Yorkshire Limestone, Lancs and Cheshire, and the Peaks District.Check Before You Leave HomeFor specific crags download this poster and print it out: BMC Bird Poster then stick it up in your kitchen or else!Also for specific crags, check the Regional Access Database (RAD) which is online and searchable, before you go climbing: Clickety here. This list gives specific access information for most crags in England and Wales.SCOTLANDAlpine Choughs on Lewis© Lewis, Jan 2006The access situation is legally different in Scotland although the results are the same. Whilst there are no restrictions there are crags that you must avoid because if you disturb some nesting or mating birds you may face legal action. Bottom line is that there are fewer problems in Scotland as birds have more space and there are fewer people.These cliffs and crags are affected: Sron Ulladale, Harris; Moy Rocks, near Contin; Meig Crag, Strathconon; The Camel, Creag nan Clag, near Duntelchaig; Ardnamurchan Ring; Glen Lednock; Creag Ghlas, Strathconon; Clifton Crag. There are more andHebe Carus- Access and Conservation Officer for the MCofS gives us a full run down athereIRELANDFor bird concerns in Ireand visit the Mountaineering Ireland websitehere Diesen Artikel inkl. Bilder auf anschauen
