The weather at Rocklands has been really hot for the season lately, forcing Paul Robinson to spend his days in the shade and limiting climbing to night sessions. Sure, he's sent the odd 8B and 8A+, such as The Vice and the Vice president, but being P-Rob, that's not enough.Monkey wedding, an unrepeated Fred Nicole 8C, has had to be put on ice for the time being. This must be kind of frustrating as he's come close to success, falling off on the last move twice. According to Paul, no single move is easier than 7C and the last two moves 8B in their own right.Now, it looks like it's getting cooler, and Paul is psyched to have found a new project:It is quite amazing. Not as impressive looking as Sky [an 8B+ that's basically three big catches in a row] but similar to it in style, only the holds are smaller and the catches bigger.He has already done all the moves, so it should be in the bag shortly