Parnell & Thaw Granted 2006 Nick Estcourt Award

The £1,500 2006 Nick Estcourt Award has been granted to Ian Parnell and Kevin Thaw for their planned ascent of the East North East Buttress of Kedar Dome in the Gangtori region of the Indian Garwhal. The pair will spend September and half of October attempting the previously un-attempted line in addition to the 6,831 metre peak´s East Buttress, attempted by Kevin and American Mark Synott in 2003. The Kedar Dome and its neighbour Kedernath tend to get overlooked in the Gangotri for the better known Shivling, Bhagarthis and the Meru Sharksfin. Ian and Kevin will climb in lightweight alpine style, on rock expected to be E4 and A3. They don´t anticipate many if any tent spots, expecting to hack out ice ledges instead. Nick Estcourt was killed in an avalanche on K2 whilst taking part in the 1978 attempt to climb the West Ridge. The NICK ESTCOURT AWARD was established to commemorate his climbing achievements and to encourage future generations of expedition mountaineers. One grant is made each year to expeditions which the Trustees consider most likely to further expedition mountaineering. Applications are invited from expeditions attempting an objective of considerable mountaineering significance. This might be a previously unclimbed face, ridge or summit or a repeat of an existing route but in a more challenging style or conditions. If you are interested in applying for next year´s grant check out the website. The closing date is December 31st 2006. For more information of grants available to mountaineers and climbers in general check out this planetFear article. Objective 1. Photo by Kevin Thaw Objective 2. Photo by Kevin Thaw ———————————————————————– If you have any news worth reporting please contact Matt – / 0114 2969114 ———————————————————————–
