by Alan James Latest News (Monday 24 July) is that the moors are open again – more info. The Peak National Park Authority have announced that the Peak Moorland crags have been closed because of critical fire risk. The exceptions to this are all public rights of way. Access has also been negotiated for climbers on many of the more popular eastern edges. Crags that are open – Roaches (all except the Five Clouds), Hen Cloud, Ramshaw, Windgather, Birchen, Curbar, Froggatt, Millstone, Burbage N and S, Higgar Tor, Stanage (Popular End to Causeway). All limestone crags.Crags that are closed and in the National Park – Newstones, Baldstones, Castle Naze, Cratcliffe, Chatsworth, Gardom´s, Baslow, Yarncliffe, Lawrencefield, Stanage (Causeway to Stanage End), Bamford, all Derwent Crags, all Kinder Crags, all Bleaklow Crags, all Chew Valley Crags.Crags outside the National Park – Wharncliffe and Black Rocks – be guided by signs at crag, Rivelin (closed).Crags not listed – assume they are closed. Many of the smaller crags crop up in the thread linked to below. Climbers are requested to use only public footpaths to get to the crags and also to keep vigilant. Any fires seen should be reported at once by ringing 999. The fire severity index needs to be below ´Extreme´ for 5 consecutive days before the moors can reopen so it looks like we may be in for a long haul.
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