Well, after being debated and baited for the last couple of weeks on various Internet forums the PlanetFear football tournament took place yesterday in bright sunshine at Dronfield, just south of Sheffield. Eleven teams turned up including two from the BMC, one from PlanetFear, Rockfax (although strangely Alan James played on another team as he was late arriving!), Birmingham University (the Stoats), Adam Lincoln and co, the Indestructible Jellyfish, Outside, an all women´s team, Powerbar (unfortunately John Dunne failed to materialise, but he was made up for by Dave Simmonite and Andy Bowman), and one other whose name I can´t remember!Teams were split into two leagues and played ten-minute games against their league rivals. League one was won by BMC 1 – who funnily enough didn´t actually have any official BMC staff, with the Indestructible Jellyfish in second, Half Man Half Stoat third, PBRC Rockfax third, and that team who´s name I can´t remember in fifth! In league 2, PlanetFear managed five wins out of five games to top their group with Outside in second and Powerbar in a disgruntled third (they kept moaning about some dubious penalty decision against PlanetFear!). Whilst a knockout tournament took place to decide the overall placing of the other teams – which was won by Powerbar, BMC 1 and PlanetFear eased through into the final, brushing aside Outside and the Indestructible Jellyfish. Then in a heated final, PlanetFear lost the plot and watched a classy BMC side put three goals past them in the last three minutes of the game.There were no serious injuries, save the obligatory bloody nose, twisted ankle and kicked shin, the sun shone, people were really friendly, and the games good natured. PlanetFear have vowed to organise similar events in the future. If you weren´t there for this one, make sure you are next time! A big thanks to Soph who stage-managed the day without a single hitch. The BMC Bruisers who won the event, beating PlanetFear 3-0 in the final.
Team PlanetFear arrive at the tournament – a la Italian Job!