Derbyshire Wildlife Trust have recently acquired most of the true left bank of Water cum Jolly ? from the metal plate bridge below Litton Mill to the steps before Lammergeyr Buttress which led up to Cressbrooke Hall. The acquisition does not include the concessionary riverside path nor land from just above Lammergeyr to and including Rubicon. National and Local BMC Access representatives met with Derbyshire Wildlife Trust on 28th June 2006 to discuss access for climbing. Two areas are particularly sensitive, though happily there is no climbing in either of them. The first is low, wet and dirty tuffa based outcrop near the path just after passing Jackdaw Point (when walking from Litton Mill). The second is a shallow grass bay just left of Peptar on Ice/ Christmas Cracks, where the micro-vegetation looks pretty ordinary but isn?t. There is no problem in using the feint grassy path leading to The Inch Test /Specialist area but please do not step off it. The Trust will place some discrete signs here. The Trust intends to remove sycamore from the woodland and re-establish a predominantly ash woodland. Their view is that removal of any ash close to rock faces is not an option. The Trust is happy for people to continue to climb existing routes, but can not allow any damage to vegetation nor any bolt or other fixed gear placement. Existing bolts eg. On The Inch Test look as though they are showing their age and it may be possible to negotiate replacement for these via the BMC Access Team. The same could be true if the strategic lower off point prevented damage to the cliff top vegetation, but again only by agreement with the Trust via the BMC Access Team. The same principles apply for the Lammergeyr to Rubicon area, which is owned by the Creesbrooke Fly Fishers. BMC contacts are (local) Henry Folkard 01298 871 849 or (national) Guy Keating (0870 010 4878 or H L F Folkard 29 June 2006. HOWEVER The New Scientist reports this week that climbing is ?one great outdoors sport that does not wreck the great outdoors.” According to research from the University of Guelph, Ontario, climbers do not damage the ecology of cliffs and the routes they scale. You can read the full article here. ———————————————————————– If you have any news worth reporting please contact Matt – / 0114 2969114 ———————————————————————–
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