Renewable Energy Developments – Mountaineering Councils Conference The BMC, MCofS and MCofI are jointly holding a conference to discuss the renewable energy developments in the countryside. The event is being hosted by the Centre for Alternative Technology at Machynlleth in mid-Wales, YOU could be there! The whole issue of renewable energy developments such as wind farms in the hills is a thorny one, with strong arguments on both sides. To try and reach a greater understanding and hopefully a common position, the mountaineering councils of Scotland and Ireland alongside the BMC are to have a one-day conference about this. The date to remember is the 4th November, hopefully there´ll not be too many fireworks going off around the table! The CAT have kindly offered to host this for nothing more than the publicity, and their Development Director, Mr Paul Allen, will start the day off with a survey of the field. Delegates will have a chance to bring their own views to the table, discuss the facts, gain an understanding of the various standpoints through role play as well as experiencing the centre and its award winning vegetarian restaurant.To get a wider range of views we are giving YOU, our members, the chance to participate.Just write or e-mail with reasons why you should be invited, we don´t need reams, just a few hundred words or so. The three most convincing can come along and will get travel bursaries to help them.For more information contact Graham Lynch at the BMC, 0161 438 3333 or
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