by Vince Anderson From March 26-28, 2008, Vince Anderson and Steve House committed to new ground on the serious, rarely climbed north face of Mt. Alberta (3619m). Although not technically climbed during the calendar winter, their new route (WI5+ M8 R/X, 1000m) marks the first time Alberta´s north face has been climbed in full-on winter conditions. Vince Anderson reports on “After a recommendation from Barry Blanchard, Steve House and I began our attempt on the north face of Mt. Alberta in the Canadian Rockies on March 24, 2008… …the descent gully we chose eventually intersected a large ledge system and snowfield. There we had to make a decision: continue into the unknown darkness or bivy again with little food and wet, useless sleeping bags. We decided to stay put and shiver through it. It was miserable.” Full Report on the Alpinist Website. ( Source: Alpinist )