[VIDEO] Adam Ondra in zwei 8C Bouldern

Derzeit befindet sich ein umfassendes Videoporträt über den noch jungen tschechischen Superstar Adam Ondra in der allerletzten Produktionsphase und das vorliegende Videomaterial hatte keinen Platz mehr auf der DVD. Also hat sich der Filmemacher dazu entschieden, dieses als kleines Weihnachtsgeschenk kostenlos an das kletternde Online-Volk zu verteilen. Wir danken und sind sehr gespannt auf den fertigen Film "Wizard's Apprentice".

Vimeo Text

Adam Ondra climbed his first two 8C boulders in November 2010 in Ticino, Switzerland.


This small video is small Christmas present form "BERNARTWOOD studio" to all climbers. These 2 boulders did not find its place in the final movie about Adam. They were planned to be on the DVD in EXTRAS. But yesterday, I decided to edit it a bit and give it to everybody…

Sorry for the "big" movie about Adam taking so long, it was incredibly hard work, mainly mental, but it is finished, and prepared for delivering. We would like to put it out as a HD DOWNLOAD on December 31st, if all technical aspects will be OK.

DVD with really rich extras will follow in January.

All the important info (length, formats, prices, film tour etc) will appear after December 26th on WWW.ADAMONDRAFILM.COM

Have a nice and quiet non-consume winter time…

Petr Pavlícek – author of the movie

QuelleBERNARTWOOD (Vimeo User)