by Tom Briggs Nick Bullock and Jon Bracey on the summit of Pharilapha (5977m) Jon Bracey and Nick Bullock have climbed a new route on the north face or Pharilapcha (5977m), Nepal. ´Snotty´s Gully´ 1000m, graded ED+, WI 5, M5+ (Scottish 6), takes a truly spectacular line up a steep ice couloir in the back of a deep cleft going straight to the previously unclimbed west summit of Pharilapcha. Jon commented “Nick doesn´t believe in acclimatisation so WI 5 felt surprisingly hard at nearly 6000m with a rucksack on!” The route is named in memory of the late Sue Nott who disappeared on the summit of Mt Foraker, Alaska with Karen McNeill after climbing the Infinite Spur back in May.
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