Josh Lowell, of BigUp productions has written a piece about the FRFM-controversy:”This internet controversy about First Round First Minute has gotten out of hand. I respect everyone's right to debate the pluses and minuses of a nebulous concept like red-tagging. But I hope people will remember that this is not a big conflict between Chris and Nalle, only between observers who don't know either person, have incomplete information, and are generally not involved with equipping routes or making first ascents. Both of these guys are amazing climbers and good people, so please stop with the choosing sides and the rage, it's totally misguided. These little miscommunications and differences of opinion happen all the time, but in this case Chris and Nalle were forced to air it out publicly or risk letting slander be taken for fact. I thought it would be over once they had each expressed themselves pretty clearly and respectfully, but now that some assertions are being made about Big UP's role in the whole mess, and both Chris and Nalle are being torn apart for no reason, I guess I should join the fray and try to clear up some things.”Read the whole thing here. Diesen Artikel inkl. Bilder auf anschauen
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