The Graham report…

Dave “G Dogg” Graham is still on his eternal road trip. Well… I guess that´s the thing with eternal things – they never stop. Anyway here´s the low down: FONT: Kheops 8B, “lots of tries in an hour and a half frenzy, fucking brilliant, and WIERD.” Big dragon, FA, 8A+ at Petit bois, “amazing line, crazy it hasnt been done” Mervielle right 8A?, really cool, tall, a key hold broke so the sequence forces you onto a slab insteda of a big move, but Jacky Godofe did it the big move way just recently, both are rad, but Jacky´s way is sick! Total eclipse 8A+, “on my first day this year i did it, but i tried it 8 days the year before! epic!” l´apperement 8A, couple tries Big bang 8A, couple tries Iceberg 8A, couple tries Voltaine 8A, couple tries l´diot, 7C+, took couple days La tailleur de mensonges 7C, really scary higball! Jacadi 8A dyno, crazy Switz so far… Project which took three days. Its this beautiful cave on a river boulder, with BAD crimps, about 7 moves and, as hard as the hard shit 8B+, its pretty damn cool looking. Its called the Ganymede Takeover. Two other sick 8A problems I added at this spot (a new spot in the Tessin) one called Pamplemouse, with amazing runnels on granite, kinda like tufas, and Frogger a sick roof next to the ganymed takeover which has pockets and tufa like things, but again, its granite. Dave´s also saying they´re starting to route climb again, “starting slow though”, so far this is what´s been going down: some super hard 8a arete onsight Mojave 8b/8b+ 2 tries( Isaac Caldiero did it in three tries) Jericho 8b, and Rjoja 8b in a couple tries at Cevi. -2 more 8a´s