An BhuidealUKC Articles, 12 May 2009© Iain MillerIain Miller has been active off the coast of Donegal, Ireland.With several first ascents over the last year of some of the West coast's most imposing sea stacks, Iain has racked up a list of routes that even Mick Fowler would be proud of.Particular highlights have been:Dan Osman RIP, ** XS 4a – “no gear and awesome atmosphere”Realm of the Senses, Severe – “a superb ramp and deep grot grovel to the summit”An Port (North) – “Extreme caution required, this sea passage is very atmospheric”Although most routes are not in the extreme grades, Iain warns “It is worth bearing in mind that most of these beasts require varying lengths of sea passage to access their base”.For more info on these routes you can see the full new route descriptions in this UKC Article
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