If you thought Chris Webb-Parsons was the only strong Aussie tearing it up at Hueco right now, you are mistaken. Currently, James Kassay is in the form of his life, making fast work of everything he puts his hands on.The other day he did a 2nd try ascent of Terre de sienne, 8B (ex 8B+), flashed El techo de los tres b, 8A now post break, and did Anal intruder, 8A, second go. The day before, he repeated, Esperanza, 8B+, after two days of work. Add a few ridiculously quick repeats of 8B's, a couple of 8A+ flashes and some more and you got a respectable tick-list!The question now is which Aussie will do Terremer first. James says he is “so bloody close to both Terremer and Desperanza [8C]”