Ticino bulletin 2, Ninja skills

Paul Robinson on Ninja skills, 8B+Björn Pohl – UKC, 05 Dec 2010© Paul RobinsonPaul Robinson has made the 2nd ascent of Nalle Hukkataival's Ninja skills, 8B+, at Sobrio, Ticino. Fighting Baltic, but perfect conditions.After having fallen off on the slippery top-out on a previous attempt, and with time and daylight running out, Paul decided to have one last go. And as is so surprisingly often the case, he succeeded on his last attempt. Come to think of it, I can't think of one single example where someone succeeds on the 2nd to last try… go figure.Paul says it's one of the best problems in Ticino and that he now wants to go back to The story of 2 worlds for some serious effort.Here's a video featuring Nalle's FA of Ninja skillsSource: Paul's blog Diesen Artikel inkl. Bilder auf UKClimbing.com anschauen
