Feb 29: Tom Randall Climbs Amazing 20ft+ Ceiling Crack near Bath by Mick Ryan – Editor Tom Randall has experienced an epic journey to climb a 20ft+ limestone ceiling crack, his dream project, that he discovered 4 years ago near his parents house at Sally-in-the-Woods near Bath, Somerset. The climbing is incredibly complex and powerful. Tom has offered a grade of V11 or Font 8a and the name, All Elements. As anyone who has had a long term bouldering project like this will know, it is incredibly satisfying to achieve success. You find something and just think you may be able to climb it, and so you begin, doing one move after another, then, the long process of joining moves together sequence after sequence, then one day it all comes together, you grasp those once-elusive finishing holds! Greg Chapman at eliteukbinventory.blogspot.com reports on the sequence from Tom, “Everything from crimps, slopers, finger jams and hand jams” – incorporating around 15-17 moves. Tom gives the full beta… “Crimpy rail and pinch, big move to hideous baggy cupped handjam, 180 deg spin, thumb jam (oh yes!), 2 finger pocket, spin another 180 deg, 2 finger finger-jam (great move), 2 finger pocket, tricky thin-hands hand-jam, good jam (but very hard to seat), wild cut loose, loooong reach to mono-dish, 180 deg spin, bump dish-hand to good sloper-crimp (redpoint crux), round onto the headwall, a load of heel hooking and more crimps and slopey-crimps (not to bad). Top-out!” Even better, here is a video of Tom climbing All Elements.. Congratulations. by Jack Geldard here Source: Greg Chapman at eliteukbinventory.blogspot.com
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