Girls 7 – 9 1 Rosea Day southwest2 Alice Berry london/se3 Polly Blinston peak4 Katie Lawrence london/se5 Shauna Coxsey northwest6 Rachael Morton northwest7 Natalie Berry scot-south8 Cherelle Frost midlands9 Hannah Pask midlands10 Katy Glare midlands11 Catherine Whiteman northwest12 Natasha Milinkovic peak13 Emily MacLennan wales14 Megan Smith peak15 Kate Watson ne/lakes16 Ruth Kitchen yorks/hum17 Emma Kesson scot-north18 Tiffany Shircliff southwest19 Anna Bolger yorks/hum20 Lauren Porteus ne/lakes21 Daisy Banwell wales22 Jennifer Keyes scot-north | Boys 7 – 9 1 Deb Banerji scot-south2 Rhys Edwards wales3 Matthew Beech scot-south4 Callum Hart london/se5 John McKenna scot-south6 Robert Mackenzie scot-north7 Benjamin Clough peak8 Henry George Bolton london/se9 Harry Nicholson peak10 Alex Clarke wales11 Matthew Enescott northwest12 Joshua Gibson northwest13 Philip James london/se14 Joshua Farrell yorks/hum15 Liam Hallinan southwest16 Cavan Walker ne/lakes17 Chris Dale yorks/hum18 Craig Balmforth yorks/hum19 Cameron Marsh southwest20 Tom Regel peak21 Tomos Davies wales22 Alexander Marsh southwest23 Gregor Macdonald scot-north24 Thomas Ley-Wilson scot-north25 Justin Austen northwest26 Davy Mains ne/lakes27 William Butterworth midlands |
Girls 10 – 12 1 Hazel Findlay southwest2 Leah Crane peak3 Katie Hill southwest4 Katy Whittaker peak5 Natalie Lewis northwest6 Tessa Lyons london/se7 Hannah Stockley peak8 Samantha Harker ne/lakes9 Charlotte Davies midlands10 Katie Smitton northwest11 Martha Oakes london/se12 Fiona Smailes london/se13 Hannah Millward-Hopkins northwest14 Leanne Mason wales15 Eleanor Kitchen yorks/hum16 Sarah Anderson scot-south17 Samantha Berry wales18 Nikki Wilson southwest19 Sophie Varley yorks/hum20 Kate Lynch wales21 Mairi Fenton scot-north22 Carrie White scot-north23 Lauren Jones midlands24 Jenna Dick scot-north25 Madeline Williams ne/lakes26 Rachel Osborne scot-south27 Naomi Hatto ne/lakes28 Abigail Pask midlands | Boys 10 – 12 1 Jacob Cook london/se2 Martin Watson northwest3 Tyler Landman london/se4 Richard Winters midlands5 Tom Arnold london/se6 Mark Reason peak7 Sam Melville peak8 Josh Kent peak9 Michael Lee scot-north10 Antonio Morote ne/lakes11 Richard Young southwest12 Adam Watson ne/lakes13 Richard Simpson northwest14 Martin McKenna scot-south15 Nathan Cassidy northwest16 Sean Barrett scot-south17 Nicolas Duboust scot-north18 Michael Kennedy scot-south19 Richard Cartner ne/lakes20 Ryan Frost midlands21 Bailey Alcock wales22 Sam Forbes southwest23 Calum Bolger yorks/hum24 Finbarr O´Dempsey scot-north25 Lewis Hawthorne southwest26 Tom Connelly midlands |
Girls 13 – 15 1 Emma Twyford ne/lakes2 Sadie Renwick scot-south3 Rosemary Shaw northwest4 Hazel Duff southwest5 Lucy Griffiths yorks/hum6 Lily Fitzgibbon london/se7 Lucy Turner peak8 Nicky Evans northwest9 Holly Williams peak10 Ceri Ashmore southwest11 Anne Pritchard northwest12 Jade Cooper yorks/hum13 Vicki Mays scot-south14 Francesca Devlin peak15 Emily Oakes london/se16 Harriet Waugh scot-south17 Jenny Eaton london/se18 Caroline Coleman southwest19 Helen Thompson scot-north20 Freya Alsop-Greenacre midlands21 Emma Ross midlands22 Sian Hughes wales23 Kate Phizacklea midlands24 Olivia Robinson scot-north | Boys 13 – 15 1 Paul Smitton northwest2 Ian Hollows ne/lakes3 Christopher Whiteman northwest4 Toby Philp scot-south5 Cal Reedie northwest6 Richard Sharpe london/se7 Thomas Bolger yorks/hum8 Paul Bennet ne/lakes9 Jake Arnold ne/lakes10 Peter Cope peak11 Nathan Lawrence yorks/hum12 Todd Cuthbertson yorks/hum13 Peter Stewart wales14 Ben Dawlatly london/se15 Adam Mulholland southwest16 Jim Houghton midlands17 Trevor Nagler london/se18 Andrew Wells midlands19 Peter Crawforth peak20 Stephen Green scot-south21 Peter Helliwell peak22 Ed Guest southwest23 Sam Lichfield midlands24 Sorle Haywood wales25 Stephen Kennedy scot-south26 Neil Dickson wales27 Robert Lamey southwest28 Craig Hutchison scot-north29 Lachlan McKeggie scot-north |
Team Result
1 | North West | 677 |
2 | London & South East | 672 |
3 | Peak | 595 |
4 | Scotland South | 532 |
5 | South West | 500 |
6 | North East & Lakes | 438 |
7 | Yorkshire & Humberside | 317 |
8 | Midlands | 297 |
9 | Wales | 271 |
10 | Scotland North | 198 |
The Urban Rock BRYCS is sponsored by Urban Rock, High Magazine, On The Edge Magazine, The BMC, The Mountaineering Council of Scotland, Tiso, and UK Sport