Urban Rock BRYCS 2001 Final Results

Girls 7 – 9 1 Rosea Day southwest2 Alice Berry london/se3 Polly Blinston peak4 Katie Lawrence london/se5 Shauna Coxsey northwest6 Rachael Morton northwest7 Natalie Berry scot-south8 Cherelle Frost midlands9 Hannah Pask midlands10 Katy Glare midlands11 Catherine Whiteman northwest12 Natasha Milinkovic peak13 Emily MacLennan wales14 Megan Smith peak15 Kate Watson ne/lakes16 Ruth Kitchen yorks/hum17 Emma Kesson scot-north18 Tiffany Shircliff southwest19 Anna Bolger yorks/hum20 Lauren Porteus ne/lakes21 Daisy Banwell wales22 Jennifer Keyes scot-north Boys 7 – 9 1 Deb Banerji scot-south2 Rhys Edwards wales3 Matthew Beech scot-south4 Callum Hart london/se5 John McKenna scot-south6 Robert Mackenzie scot-north7 Benjamin Clough peak8 Henry George Bolton london/se9 Harry Nicholson peak10 Alex Clarke wales11 Matthew Enescott northwest12 Joshua Gibson northwest13 Philip James london/se14 Joshua Farrell yorks/hum15 Liam Hallinan southwest16 Cavan Walker ne/lakes17 Chris Dale yorks/hum18 Craig Balmforth yorks/hum19 Cameron Marsh southwest20 Tom Regel peak21 Tomos Davies wales22 Alexander Marsh southwest23 Gregor Macdonald scot-north24 Thomas Ley-Wilson scot-north25 Justin Austen northwest26 Davy Mains ne/lakes27 William Butterworth midlands
Girls 10 – 12 1 Hazel Findlay southwest2 Leah Crane peak3 Katie Hill southwest4 Katy Whittaker peak5 Natalie Lewis northwest6 Tessa Lyons london/se7 Hannah Stockley peak8 Samantha Harker ne/lakes9 Charlotte Davies midlands10 Katie Smitton northwest11 Martha Oakes london/se12 Fiona Smailes london/se13 Hannah Millward-Hopkins northwest14 Leanne Mason wales15 Eleanor Kitchen yorks/hum16 Sarah Anderson scot-south17 Samantha Berry wales18 Nikki Wilson southwest19 Sophie Varley yorks/hum20 Kate Lynch wales21 Mairi Fenton scot-north22 Carrie White scot-north23 Lauren Jones midlands24 Jenna Dick scot-north25 Madeline Williams ne/lakes26 Rachel Osborne scot-south27 Naomi Hatto ne/lakes28 Abigail Pask midlands Boys 10 – 12 1 Jacob Cook london/se2 Martin Watson northwest3 Tyler Landman london/se4 Richard Winters midlands5 Tom Arnold london/se6 Mark Reason peak7 Sam Melville peak8 Josh Kent peak9 Michael Lee scot-north10 Antonio Morote ne/lakes11 Richard Young southwest12 Adam Watson ne/lakes13 Richard Simpson northwest14 Martin McKenna scot-south15 Nathan Cassidy northwest16 Sean Barrett scot-south17 Nicolas Duboust scot-north18 Michael Kennedy scot-south19 Richard Cartner ne/lakes20 Ryan Frost midlands21 Bailey Alcock wales22 Sam Forbes southwest23 Calum Bolger yorks/hum24 Finbarr O´Dempsey scot-north25 Lewis Hawthorne southwest26 Tom Connelly midlands
Girls 13 – 15 1 Emma Twyford ne/lakes2 Sadie Renwick scot-south3 Rosemary Shaw northwest4 Hazel Duff southwest5 Lucy Griffiths yorks/hum6 Lily Fitzgibbon london/se7 Lucy Turner peak8 Nicky Evans northwest9 Holly Williams peak10 Ceri Ashmore southwest11 Anne Pritchard northwest12 Jade Cooper yorks/hum13 Vicki Mays scot-south14 Francesca Devlin peak15 Emily Oakes london/se16 Harriet Waugh scot-south17 Jenny Eaton london/se18 Caroline Coleman southwest19 Helen Thompson scot-north20 Freya Alsop-Greenacre midlands21 Emma Ross midlands22 Sian Hughes wales23 Kate Phizacklea midlands24 Olivia Robinson scot-north Boys 13 – 15 1 Paul Smitton northwest2 Ian Hollows ne/lakes3 Christopher Whiteman northwest4 Toby Philp scot-south5 Cal Reedie northwest6 Richard Sharpe london/se7 Thomas Bolger yorks/hum8 Paul Bennet ne/lakes9 Jake Arnold ne/lakes10 Peter Cope peak11 Nathan Lawrence yorks/hum12 Todd Cuthbertson yorks/hum13 Peter Stewart wales14 Ben Dawlatly london/se15 Adam Mulholland southwest16 Jim Houghton midlands17 Trevor Nagler london/se18 Andrew Wells midlands19 Peter Crawforth peak20 Stephen Green scot-south21 Peter Helliwell peak22 Ed Guest southwest23 Sam Lichfield midlands24 Sorle Haywood wales25 Stephen Kennedy scot-south26 Neil Dickson wales27 Robert Lamey southwest28 Craig Hutchison scot-north29 Lachlan McKeggie scot-north

Team Result

1 North West 677
2 London & South East 672
3 Peak 595
4 Scotland South 532
5 South West 500
6 North East & Lakes 438
7 Yorkshire & Humberside 317
8 Midlands 297
9 Wales 271
10 Scotland North 198

The Urban Rock BRYCS is sponsored by Urban Rock, High Magazine, On The Edge Magazine, The BMC, The Mountaineering Council of Scotland, Tiso, and UK Sport
