Flagged up by davidbeynonCAMPUS BOARDINGFrom: www.moonclimbing.comLaddering”Laddering is the most simple and obvious exercise done on the campus board.The idea of laddering is that you move up the stairs in a symmetric fashion moving with the opposite paw for each movement.You can experiment with several different rung combinations, such as 1-3-5-7-9 or 1-4-7 and so on. With laddering it is important to use several different sequences to get you to the top, This will help train a wider variety of movement in the legs. Generally to make this exercise more difficult you can use less paw movements to make it to the top, two current benchmarks seam to be 1-4-7 or if your unbelievably strong 1-5-9.” See Video below for instruction.The cheating kitten. Did you see that? She used her feet. Not allowed!Diesen Artikel inkl. Bilder auf UKClimbing.com anschauen
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