Jan 27: Where Do You Want To Climb? by Mick Ryan – UKClimbing.com We have contracted Kevin Avery to oversee Destination Articles at UKClimbing.com. Kevin is writing his own Destination Articles for UKClimbing.com but he also needs your help.If you want to share your favourite place with others or have been to an area and want to rave about it contact, Kevin, Destination Articles Editor, at kevin@ukclimbing.com. Need some tips on what we are after? Look at this example: Arapiles, Australia by Steve Bell Need some ideas on where to climb? Check this page:Rock Destinations articles The intention is to build up the Destination Articles in to a comprehensive source of information about climbing areas in the UK and worldwide.These Destination Articles are constantly updated with the latest information and are also tied to the UKClimbing.com Logbooks and the Crag Database.
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