World Youth Championship at Ratho – Starts Today

The IFSC Youth World Championships start today at the Edinburgh International Climbing Arena (EICA).Over 600 teenagers from 39 countries will be competing. Qualifiers take place today and Friday, with the difficulty finals on Saturday and speed finals on Sunday.The event will be streamed live at www.247.tvBest of luck to the British Junior Team: Caitlin Wallace, Eleanor Hopkins, Natalie Berry, Jonathan Stocking, Steven Addison, Edward Hamer, Rhoslyn Frugtniet, Sarah Pashley, Catherine Whiteman, Jonathan Field, Dylan Mackenzie, Robert Mackenzie, Alice Waterhouse, Rachel Carr, Rebecca Hall, Paul Williamson, Jonny White, Lily Rosengard, Joshua Farrell, and Michael Hopkins.More Diesen Artikel inkl. Bilder auf anschauen