It was only a matter of time and now he´s done it. Yesterday, Patxi Usobiaga made the FA of Bizi Euskaraz at Etxauri, and he did it onsight. He thinks it warrants a grade of 8c+, which, if confirmed, is a world´s first. Bizi Euskaraz is located in Etxauri, a crag in the Navarra region of Spain. The route was bolted by Ekaitz Maiz four years ago and has been an open project since then, despite the efforts of strong climbers. Ekaitz Maiz and Gorka Karapeto were present during the historical ascent and endorse the grade proposed by Patxi. During the last few weeks Patxi has singlehandedly taken climbing to a new level by redpointing 9a+´s and 9a´s in few tries, and now this. Incredible is an understatement! Patxi is now miles ahead of anyone else in the rankings. Pic: Zigor Arteaga. New video of Patxi in La Rambla.
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