Malham Cove (again!)© Neil Foster, Jul 2007Met Office Adds Yorkshire Dales to Forecast Lists:”Mountains can be inhospitable and dangerous places for the ill prepared. From one hour to the next, from one hill to the next, they can exhibit a dramatic variation in weather conditions. Whether it's a well-planned expedition or a spur of the moment decision to go to the hills, it is important to check the forecast.”So it says on the Met Office website and we agree. And as they have just added the Yorkshire Dales to their mountain areas, climbers walkers and cavers in this area are now better served with an accurate forecast including satellite imagery of cloud formation plus three-hourly updated forecasts for rain.Here at UKC we use a variety of weather forecast sites to plan our weekend climbing, some of our favourites and the most useful are the: Mountain Weather Information ServiceThe Met OfficeScottish Avalanche Information ServiceSource: Diesen Artikel inkl. Bilder auf anschauen
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