[VIDEO] Better Than Chocolate (Trailer)

Trailer eines belgischen Videos über das Bouldern in der Schweiz mit vielen bekannten Gesichtern an schönen Problemen bis zu FB 8C.

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Better Than Chocolate is a movie about bouldering in Switzerland.

"Why Switzerland? The answer is pretty simple. Fontainebleau aside, it probably has the largest concentration of bouldering areas in Europe and arguably the best gneiss rock anywhere. Also It is the land of many historical ascents including first 8B, 8B+ and 8C (Fred Nicole).

The idea for Better Than Chocolate was to simply remind us that climbing is our way to enjoy life rather than emphasis performance or trying to "look cool". Still, in term of performance, Better Than Chocolate delivers with first ascents and repeats up to 8C boulder.

Staring Michele Caminati, Paul Robinson, Robert Leistner, Julia Winter, Chris Webb Parsons, Anthony Gullsten, Olivier Mignon, Jule Wurm, Anton Johansson, Antoine Eydoux and Fred Moix. Guest appearance by Fred Nicole. Shot on location in Magic Wood, Chironico, Cresciano, Brione and many more areas.

This is my first feature film (and also Belgium's first bouldering movie) and it was shot entirely with homemade cinema gear. I hope you'll enjoy watching it as much as i enjoyed making it."

-Haroun Souirji

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Movie now available as
HD download & DVD // Both include the bonus features 😉

Music is "Rigid Breakfast" from

QuelleHaroun Souirji (Vimeo User)