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This boulder ended up being an incredible moderate boulder providing us with a V0,3,6,7,8, and 9 and in my opinion it’s a way better option for your average climber then the Citadel Boulder and a great progression boulder as each problem is just slightly harder then the next. Plus it sits right on the river in a gorgeous setting with a literal 30 second approach…great for the ladies!!!
Definitely a seasonal boulder once spring rolls in and the water rises it will be unclimbable until next winter so hop on it now!! The first line in the video “Hocus Pocus” V7 is the first line we cleaned, chalked and climbed. Not sure if it has been climbed before but it didn’t seem so; either way great movement, with a cool LH side pull sloper and finishing throw.
I got the first ascent and Hiro quickly followed starts LH side pull RH really low undercling. I immediately came back several days later and tried the middle line “Frankenstyle” V8 dubbed after its funky “frankenstein” style moves; very unique and might be harder if your taller but I’m not sure it still awaits a second ascent, start sit started on lowest slopers first move is up to the big horizontal rail!
The last line “Monster Mash” climbs over the water out the small scooped cave utilizing some cool compression moves and a right heel hook; starts LH on the horizontal seam RH on a sloping pinch, this line was the hardest for me personally probably V9, this one also awaits a second ascent. Go try them if you need directions just ask!!
The IndoFLO is the Indo Board I used in the beginning of the video. I start everyday with a 5 minute core workout on this and instead of sitting on the couch I stand on it while I watch television and I’ve never felt so strong in my life. You can literally get a full core workout while standing at your desk or watching TV. The IndoFLO is the simplest way to build raw core power and I now base ALL of my training around this igneous device. Get Indo it, it’s worth it!!
instagram: hunterdamianiart
HUGE THANKS to my friends who helped me film: Hiro Watanabe, Ben Chapman, Brian