[VIDEO] Klettern mit Maya Holding – Teil 3

Nachdem Maya bereits im letzten Video eine 7a+ im Vorstieg bewältigen konnte, fragt man sich natürlich, was denn in den restlichen Teilen noch kommen kann. Nun - Maya geht einen kleinen Schritt zurück und knöpft sich eine 7a im Vorstieg vor. Beachtet bitte dabei die delikate Zutat ihrer Power-Mahlzeit vor dem entscheidenen Versuch - very british!

Vimeo Text

Maya is on a mission this summer. She wants to better her climbing and get out as much as she can on her break from uni. Over the past year she has been pushing the grades and trying to get her first 7a lead outside. Will she manage it?

Follow Maya on her adventures this summer in a UKClimbing exclusive web series."

Episode 3: Maya is down in Portland trying a 7a, 'Holy Hand Grenade', the sun is shining and she is in good company.

Intro: 'There goes another' – Origo soundcloud.com/origomusic
Main music:
'People in Colours' & 'Monkey Attack' – Superpoze. Album: Lost Cosmonaut.
freemusicarchive.org/music/Superpoze /myspace.com/superpoze

Thanks to: Chris Bonwick & Vanessa Smith

Series made by: Adrian Samarra.
For more information on Adrian's services, visit his website at adriansamarra.com

Follow me (Adrian) on Twitter I'm: twitter.com/adriansamarra
and of course, Maya: twitter.com/mayaholding

QuelleAdrian Samarra Productions (Vimeo User)