A very happy Tom Bolger, immediately after his ascent of Cadena Perpetua.UKC News, May 2009© Pete O'DonovanTom Bolger, the British climber now resident in Northern Spain, has ticked another F9a.This time it was Open Your Mind Direct at Santa Linya. But Tom is aiming for the extension, which is graded F9a+.From Tom's Blog:”After a couple of familiar boulder problems at the base of the crag to warm up, and waiting for the good conditions to arrive I found myself clipping the chains. Looking up at the extension shaking out I wanted to continue but looking at the soaking tufa holds I knew that it would have to wait for another day…”Read more on Tom Bolger's BlogYou can read a full interview and more info on Tom and his sport climbing in this UKC article: An Interview with Tom BolgerTom Bolger is sponsored byFive Ten ,Arc'teryx andEdelweiss Thanks go to Pete O'Donovan for the photograph of Tom. Diesen Artikel inkl. Bilder auf UKClimbing.com anschauen
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