Ben Moon signs with Red Chili, sells S7 chunk?

Ben Moon, who has moved to the US in order to expand his S7 climbing gear empire, has signed a deal with Red Chili [link opens in new window] boots, replacing the Boreals that he had worn for simply yonks (and so making every publicity shot of him out of date). Ben first tried the boots out at Fontainbleau in autumn ´99: “they fitted well, felt good and I was really impressed with the rubber. It was only when I talked to my good friend Stefan Glovacz [Red Chili´s founder] that we thought it might be a good idea to team up… My favourite shoes are the Habanero for routes and Dos Equis for bouldering.” Richie Patterson of Wild Country, which sells Red Chili stuff in the UK, said: “Loads of people didn´t even know that he used to wear Boreal because they had stopped using him in their publicity. Part of this deal though is that Ben will have input into the design of a new shoe that´s coming out next year. And it works well because he´s trying to get S7 going in the US, and Red Chili are doing well there too.” There´s also a cross-sponsorship and share deal, we believe, with Pusher. And did we mention that he got married recently? Yup, he did. Well, Alan James is due to do the interview with Kylie Moon in a few years…

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