Boulderwettkampf Ice Cubes 2013 in Enschede

Manuel Hassler from Switzerland will be the chief setter. Manuel has been an IFSC Chief setter for years and has build numerous boulder World Cups. He and his team of setters from Germany and the Netherlands will set 40 of the best problems.

Ice Cubes 2013All the walls will be stripped of all other holds. We will have lots of volumes and the best holds of Flathold and Teknik to work with. We will "only" have 40 problems but these will be of the highest quality.

The event will conclude with a cocktail party and a spectacular final where the best climbers will "show" what they're made of.

It is possible to sleep in or next to the gym after the competition.

Participation is possible for all ages (12 years and up).

Entrance fee is EUR 15,-,. Cube Members will pay EUR 10,–. Dinner (pasta) is EUR 7,50.

Your registration is definitive as soon as you've payed the entrance fee and the dinner fee. Please use bank account 1664.67.405 or IBAN: NL31 RABO 0166 4674 05, in the name of Cube Bouldergym, Enschede, The Netherlands

Up to 200 Competitors
For all ages (12 and up)
40 problems,: quality, not quantity.
Level 4 – 8a
Spectaculair Finals
Food and drinks
Big cocktailparty

Program: Saturday June 22nd
10:00 Gym Open
12:00 Start Competition
19:00 End qualification
18:00 – 20:00 Dinner
20:00 Finals
21:30 Result & Award Ceremony
Cocktail party

Cube Bouldergym, Enschede

ICE CUBES 2013 is made possible by Flathold, Teknik, Mad Rock and Nihil Climbing

More info and registration:

QuelleHerman Engbers