Fresh from her grit sucesses Lucy Creamer has now settled into her new job as competition officer for the BMC, starting off with organising the 2008 British Lead Team Trials. The trials are to be held in the Foundry Climbing Wall in Sheffield and are open to any UK passport holder that are interested in competing for a place on the British Lead Teams.Lucy Creamer has provided us with all the relevant details: This event will take place at the Foundry climbing wall in Sheffield on the 8 December 2007. The Foundry is one of the more impressive walls in the country and has steep terrain that the route setters will use to replicate international style routesThis is a great chance for you to pit your skills against fellow competitors and try to impress the team managers. They will be there on the day to try and find our next World Champion.At the BMC, we would like to encourage people who might be new to competing or are thinking of entering the National finals next year. This is a relatively informal day and is an opportunity to see if competing is for you and mix with other good climbers from around the country.There are four categories; junior boys and girls, senior men and women.Juniors: minimum age 12 and maximum age 16 on 31 December 2008Seniors: age 17 or over on 31 December 2008The grade of the routes will start at about 6c/+. Everybody will climb two flashed routes (demonstrated by the route setters) and we will have a maximum of 10 people going through to the final in the afternoon. This number will be dependant on entrants into each category.For more information on the event and how to enter please visit the BMC competition page.Supported by HOLDZ.No entries will be accepted after 5 December.
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