Brits climb Baffin Big Wall

Twid Mark and Stu on the summitUKC News, Jun 2010© Baffin Big Wall Team

The UK Alpinists Mike 'Twid' Turner, Stu McAleese and Mark Thomas have completed a 1400m first ascent on Baffin Island.Their route Arctic Monkeys (VI A4 V+) climbs a huge granite wall to reach a previously unclimbed summit via 31 pitches of vertical rock and 350m of mixed snow and ice climbing.The wall is situated in the remote Stewart Valley 100km North of the small Inuit settlement of Clyde River.This expedition was first mentioned on UKC back in March in this UKC News Item.In an email to Mike Turner said:”The climb took 21 days to complete with 18 consecutive nights in portaledges. The team experienced extremely cold temperatures, average -20, regular snow showers and wind. The climb consisted of a sheer pillar with consistently difficult and involved aid climbing. The climbing was serious and always involved resulting in the team having to climb every day for 21 days in all weather conditions.”UKC hope to bring you more info when the team get back to the UK. More info on the team's website: Baffin Big Walls

The huge faceUKC News, Jun 2010© Baffin Big Wall Team
Mark in a portaledge high on the routeUKC News, Jun 2010© Baffin Big Wall Team

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