After many years of extremely hard, and unpaid work for the BMC´s competition programme as both chairman of the Competitions Committee and Team Manager, Paul Dewhurst has informed the Management Committee that it was becoming increasingly difficult to carry out the Team Manager role as a volunteer. Paul requested that consideration be given to the Team Manager being remunerated and this was discussed by the Management Committee on 27 June. It was noted that although it might be reasonable to consider an additional paid post in the future it was decided that it is not appropriate to pay for voluntary services, and Paul resigned as Team Manager. Fortunately, with adequate time to prepare for the next international junior event in mid-October, there is a good opportunity to ensure coaching and team support arrangements are in place. Following Paul´s decision earlier in the year to stand down as Chair of the Competitions Committee it was already planned that there should be a review of the organisational structure of the competitions programme. Paul´s standing down has added an impetus to review the competition programme to ensure that there is a clear focus on the aims and objectives, and optimum arrangements to make the best use of the resources available.The new structure is likely to create new opportunities for volunteers to support the competitions programme and the BMC would welcome any offers of help. If you have any comments on how to improve the competitions programme or would like to offer help and assistance in some way please contact Graeme Alderson
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