Ein Dopingfall beim Weltcup in Zürich vom Juni 2007 erregt einiges Aufsehen. Der Spanier Edu Marin, dem im vergangenen Jahr u.a. die zweite Begehung von “La Rambla” (9a+) gelang, wurde positiv auf Kokain getestet, das zu den verbotenen Substanzen (nicht nur) bei Kletterwettkämpfen gehört. Edu Marin, der diesen Verstoß zugab, wurde daraufhin von der zuständigen “International Federation of Sport Climbing” (IFSC) für zwei Jahre von der Teilnahme an Wettkämpfen ausgeschlossen, die von der IFSC organisiert werden. Dazu gehören vor allem sämtliche Weltcups sowie Europa- und Weltmeisterschaften. Nachfolgend die offizielle der International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC). Decision in the case of Eduard Marin Garcia Eduard Marin Garcia (ESP) was tested positive for benzoylecgonine (cocaine) on 16 June 2007 at the IFSC World Cup in Zurich Switzerland. This is a prohibited substance under the World Anti Doping Agency Code (“the Code”). Mr Marin has admitted the complaint. The IFSC imposed the sanction requires by the Code for a first offence, which is a ban of 2 years. Mr Marin has been disqualified from the event in which he competed in Zurich on 16th June 2007. Mr Marin is banned from all IFSC competitions from 1st August 2007 until 1st August 2009. During this period, he cannot compete in or be involved in any competition organised or authorised by IFSC. The IFSC unanimously approved the Code at its creation on 27 January 2007. The IFSC Anti-Doping Rules were adopted and are implemented in conformance with IFSC's responsibilities under the Code, and are one part of the IFSC's continuing efforts to eradicate doping in the sport of climbing. More information about the IFSC Anti-Doping rules can be found at www.ifsc-climbing.org/2007/IFSC_Anti-doping_rules.pdf Following the approval on 5 October 2007 of the procedure for communications on doping and disciplinary cases, future communications on such cases will be in a timely manner to ensure the climbing public is kept current. IFSC Executive Board Siehe auch: |
Edu Marin |